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2009년 5월 11일 월요일

I'm completely sick of pretending.

It's not like I don't have any desire or happened to have such a strong and cold blooded heart which will allow me to always stay calm and help me to stand still about whatever things you say to me without knowing or considering how I feel about you.

I'm really tired of celebrating and pretend to be happy and being supportive whenever you've got yourself a nice looking boyfriend and always expecting me to give you a full support.


p.s: i think i'm just effin-idiot. The only reason i'm writing this crap here is because there's no way you can see this post since you don't even know that it exists. Plus, how would you know that i'm talking about you anyway?

Blogged @ 오전 4:16
Copyright (c) Tyron Joo Hyun Woo. All rights reserved

2009년 3월 4일 수요일

OH MY GOD. I KNOW I KNOW! i haven't updated my blogs for like 3 solid months!!!! I've been always reminding myself to update a new post, but for some crazy reason, it has been delayed all the way until now. Ah well~ at least now i'm bothering to post! xDDDDDD

hmmmmmmmm.... Many things have been changed since i have updated last time at here. Now i'm staying in London, but no longer in Singapore(i miss you guys so much! *sniff sniff* T_T), turning 18 in less than 15 days(YAY! no more curfews!), currently attached(wheee! xDDD), and stuff like that rofl. Basically, i'm really enjoying my life recently xDDDDDDDD

My school is pretty much fine in general just that sometimes i feel it's way too money-minded. I mean, you gotta pay 2 pounds for washing machine, and 1 pound for dryer at laundrette when it's usually free for other school's student residence :x. Well, and there's many more, but i just don't really wanna mention it here cuz i'll be ending up sound like a total bitch :x but hey, i REALLY do like my school! xDDD and i'm making kick-ass grades as well! I made ALL STRAIGHT As for this term and i'm pretty happy about that though it won't be occupy much in my final results but still, who cares?!!!?! I FEEL AWESOMEEEE! xDDDDDD

London is a pretty attractive city I guess. I've been around here for about 2 months and i already started loving this city xDDD. Some people say it's pretty boring down here, but for me, there's so much things to do! xDDDD I went to see few of the plays and musicals which were great, and shopping districts here are just RAWKKKK!!! :DDDDD(and yea, tat's the thing that i care most MUAHAHAHAHAHA)

OH, AND I GOTTA TELL YOU THIS!!! I talked to Jessica yesterday, and OH MY LORD, SHE'S FINALLY IN LOVEEEEEEEE!!!! xDDDDD trust me, I have NEVER SEEN her being so hyper and "desperate" whenever she talks about guys apart from him xDDDDD as one of her besties, i'm TOTALLY interested to know who is he, and how is he look like, but she's refusing to give me ANY of the photos or showing his facebook profile(she's being herself as usual :p). MEANIEEEEEE!!!! *pout*

ANYWAY~~~ i gotta go~ :))) Manita wants me to go for a smoke with her so yea~ c you guys! xxxx

Blogged @ 오전 5:31
Copyright (c) Tyron Joo Hyun Woo. All rights reserved

2008년 12월 21일 일요일

Well... First of all, I'm really sorry for not updating my blog for so long.. haha I think i'm writing this to every single posts that I write rofl XD.

I'm now back in home! It's really, REALLY COLD down here!!!! I thought I was going to be freeze to death when I stepped out of airport terminal.. o.O lolz. Many people were asking about how do I feel back at home but actually, I wouldn't say my first week at home was great because I have been suffering due to gastritis... Ah well, I'm almost recovered, and I'm pretty happy about that ^_^. Seriously, I think I have to eat more regularly, and stop skipping meals, because it feels really crappy and you lose all your will to do anything when your stomach goes wrong. This is a very true fact and it's totally guaranteed by my experience XDDD.

I met few of my frenz while I was suffering from gastritis and I have no idea where did I get an energy to actually go out and laugh away with my frenz back here in Korea with having myself a wounded stomach o.O but ah well, I managed to do it somehow and I found out something very interesting. There's one fren whom I have known since 7, and I JUST FIGURED OUT HE ACTUALLY RIDES A MOTORBIKE! OMG! It was a total shock for me when I saw him riding his motorbike and approached to me :x WOW... and he looked pretty damn right cool on it(hmmm.. maybe it's a time for me to get myself a one fine bike or something :ppppp).

OH WELL~~~ I hope you guys are now having a great holiday season~! And guess what?! CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!!! Not that I have someone whom I love is beside me to spend time with me on Christmas but WHO CARES?!?!? IT'S HOLIDAY AND I'M SO GOANNA ENJOY IT!! YOU JUST WATCH ME!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA XDDDDDDDD

Blogged @ 오후 9:00
Copyright (c) Tyron Joo Hyun Woo. All rights reserved

2008년 11월 30일 일요일

i know i know, i was just being really lazy to update a post on my bloggy. but ah well, what to do? i'm just not the person who updates regularly. anywayz, as always, a lot of things happened. I had a prom night, which was AWESOMEEEE, and had a few parties to attend rofl.

well, i just have to say after-exam life is just SO GREAT. how can anyone hate this kind of life? i mean, you don't have to wake up so early in the morning just to go to school, don't really have to study for quizzes, tests, exams, or what so ever. my life has never been great as much as now XD.

anywayz~ i hope everyone who are reading this post will have an exciting end of the year season :))


Blogged @ 오후 8:26
Copyright (c) Tyron Joo Hyun Woo. All rights reserved

2008년 11월 12일 수요일

Back stabbed.

Getting betrayed.

Sacrifice(in many ways).

Way too high expectations.

Getting bitched every now and then.

Leaving families and friends behind and carry on with my life.

Seeing someone/something which I'll never be able to get it.

Act as if nothing happened when something really happens.

Put a smile on face. ALWAYS. NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS.
Well, would you dare to say you're not going to turned out to be insane if you had this kinda things happening all over you for at least past 10 years? *grins*

Blogged @ 오전 12:32
Copyright (c) Tyron Joo Hyun Woo. All rights reserved

2008년 11월 10일 월요일

Well.. Go ahead and call me effin-whore/slut if that makes you happier than what you are right now.

Blogged @ 오전 1:16
Copyright (c) Tyron Joo Hyun Woo. All rights reserved

2008년 11월 9일 일요일


I haven't updated my blog for SO LONGGGG!!! =pppp Oh well, if I have to make any excuses, that would be, first, I had been SOOOOO busy because of my exams, and second, I am just too lazy to keep myself diligent on blogging(yea I know, probably this is the main reason for me not being consistent enough :x)

You know, I've only left with one, JUST ONE MORE PAPER! I'm just EFFIN-HAPPY!!!! XDD Like finally, I can say goodbye(*sniffs and wipes tears with tissue*) to science-related subjects FOR GOOD because there's no way that I will be majoring something SCIENCE(-_-) for my degree, HECK NO!!!! But oh well... Since I'm planning to take Accountancy & International Finance or Banking & International Finance, so it is kind of obvious I can't say goodbye to math for rest of my life... *sigh* ah well, but at least I don't have to give myself a headache for trying to understand bunch of miserable chemical properties or any equations that totally and utterly concerns a something related to "physics". I'm already happy enough for that XDD

Anywayz! Recently many people(i mean, those people who actually KNOW about it), asking me "oh, how's you and your crush/baby(-_-^^^)/highness/potential-lover/whatever-they-say" and my answer is "NOTHING." I mean, hello~~~~ this merciless person doesn't even KNOW about my feelings + I'm like leaving Singapore in less than 20 days, so what can I do about it? It seems like me getting over with it and move on is the best option that I have in my hands at the moment. So yea, people(i mean those specific group) stop asking me about it because I really have no contents to actually talk about.

BLEAH =ppp my facial skin is experiencing a MAJOR breakout since last week, and I tell you, it's really a major, M-A-J-O-R!!!! Gosh, I'm trying anything and everything to improve the situation, but seriously, I'm now having a pitiful red blemishes all over my face. Crap. What a great week I'm having -_-ll

Blogged @ 오전 1:43
Copyright (c) Tyron Joo Hyun Woo. All rights reserved